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NetStandard’s Security Minute Series

This week was Patch Tuesday! Microsoft released patches for 58 different bugs (the smallest number in a year!), but called out 4 as being especially noteworthy – an actively-exploited zero-day, two remote code executions, and a denial of service bug. As always, make sure you’re being patched!
Microsoft is warning about an increase in OAuth-based phishing attacks against 365. In an OAuth attack, the phishing email tricks you into clicking on a link, which opens a page asking you to give permission to your 365 tenant. If you click Accept, then the attacker has full access to everything. If something is asking for permission to access your data, stay skeptical – and if in doubt, ask! 
Want to learn about something in Active Directory that very very few people truly understand? This one’s even more obscure than ESE! Meet “managed service accounts.”
This week we learned…



For over 25 years, NetStandard has been providing a wide range of technical solutions to various industries in the Kansas City metro area.