A message about COVID-19 from NetStandard

Clients, partners and neighbors,
As with all of you, NetStandard continues to monitor the ever-changing information related to the Covid-19 public health crisis. Due to recent updates in the guidelines from national, state and local government and health officials, NetStandard is implementing a new phase of its pandemic response plan to allow us to continue to protect the health and well-being of our employees and clients, as well as to continue to provide technical services and support the continued operations of our clients.
As of Wednesday, March 18, NetStandard will be implementing the following procedures:
- NSI will provide support for customers and Cloud-based services remotely. You will be able to utilize the same email and phone numbers to contact your support team, and those numbers will reach backup engineers and technicians should call volume dictate. As always, NetStandard engineers are available 24×7 to support customer needs.
- We are limiting onsite visits to emergency or business critical visits only and will not be providing any support to sites other than established business locations.
- All meetings will take place using Zoom video/teleconferencing to provide continuity of operations both internally and externally.
- NSI will stop all non-essential travel.
- We are requesting that all visits to the data center be scheduled in advance through the onsite Network Operations Center (913-428-4200) to allow us to meet recommendations for social distancing and keep team members safe.
- NSI will limit access to NSI offices to authorized employees only.
- Hardware and equipment orders may be shipped directly to a client facility or, if determined to be necessary for business operations, may be delivered or installed by an NSI engineer.
- NetStandard will continue to monitor the health and wellness of our team members and make any adjustments necessary to provide continuity of top-quality services to our clients and partners through the duration of the crisis. NetStandard will strive to meet our clients’ unique needs during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to me, or to your support team.
NetStandard Support Number: 913-428-4200
NetStandard Support Email address: support@netstandard.com